MSF Spain logo

The logo is our main identifier in the field.

The logo must be used in its entirety. The elements cannot be used on their own, by removing either the symbol (running person graphic) or our name, which would leave the symbol incomplete.


The running person symbol also identifies us, but it must always appear next to or near the full logo, which remains as the main identifier. In other words, the symbol cannot substitute for the logo. This version has been specifically designed to be used individually, without the letters.

Minimum exclusion zone around logo

The logo should always be positioned on a white background.

The space around the logo should always be kept clear of other elements.

Always leave an exclusion zone around the logo equivalent to at least a quarter of the symbol’s height. This margin should be similar in size to the running person's head, which can be used as a reference.

Application on an image

The logo or symbol should not be positioned directly on an image, a textured background or other elements. An area of the background that is equal to or larger than the exclusion zone should therefore be left free of content.

Colour version

On light backgrounds, the logo should be positive; on dark backgrounds, it should be negative (the symbol in red and the name in white).



The symbol in red and the name in black. The symbol in red and the name in white.

C0/M100/Y100/K0 C0/M0/Y0/K100
Pantone 485 Pantone Black
#D7211E #000000
R215/G33/B30 R0/G0/B0
RAL 3020
MACal 8959-01 Blood Red/Pro Matt

Monochrome version

The logo in black can only be used in single-colour publications.

Other MSF sections logos

Internationally, MSF is known by its original French name, Médecins Sans Frontières.

Various bilingual versions of the logo exist in different languages, which are used by different sections of Médecins Sans Frontières.

The rules for using them are the same as for the monolingual Spanish version.

French logo French-Greek logo
French-German logo French-English logo
French-Arabic logo French-Italian logo
French-Chinese logo French-Japanese logo
French-Dutch logo French-Danish logo
French-Swedish logo French-Norwegian logo
French-Czech logo French-Portuguese logo

Under no circumstances

The logo and the symbol must not be altered.

  • They should be positioned on a background free of other content, and the exclusion zone around them should be respected.
  • They should never be superimposed on an image.
  • They should not be distorted, manipulated or have textures applied to them.